Self-Achievement Awards

(updated 11/5/19)

Clover Award
Emerald Award
Sapphire Award
Ruby Award
Diamond Award


Guidelines (includes activity/event options not set forth below) (PDF, 7 pages, 233 KB)

  1. 4-H members 3rd grade and older are eligible to apply for these recognition awards.
  2. Ask your General Leader or the Extension Office for application forms.
  3. The deadline for application is when the record books are due at the county level.
  4. A member is not required to have earned previous levels of recognition in order to earn any other level as long as they meet the requirements.
  5. A member is not required to earn a recognition award every year; however, requirements for recognition must be met during the current 4-H year in which the member wants to be recognized.
  6. Only one (1) Achievement Award may be received in any given year.
  7. A member may receive the Clover Award one time.
  8. Awards will be as follows:
    Clover Award Disc
    Emerald Award  Disc
    Sapphire Award Disc
    Ruby Award Disc
    Diamond Award Disc & $25 Award

*Activity/Event Options may not be used two (2) years in a row.
*Applications are due to your General Leader when your Club Record Books are due.

Clover Achievement

Clover Achievement Application (PDF, 1 page, 102 KB)
Clover Achievement Application (Word, 1 page, 24 KB)

* All items must be completed during the current 4-H year.

Members must have been enrolled in 4-H at least one (1) year and should complete the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attend 50% or more of your 4-H club meetings.
  2. Attend one (1) county-wide meeting (other than the fair).
  3. Turn your 4-H record book in to your General Leader.

Emerald Achievement

Emerald Achievement Application (PDF, 2 pages, 116 KB)
Emerald Achievement Application (Word, 2 pages, 30 KB)

* All items must be completed during the current 4-H year.

Members must have been enrolled in 4-H at least one (1) year and should complete the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attend 50% or more of your 4-H club meetings.
  2. Give a demonstration or talk at a 4-H club meeting (not project meeting).
  3. Turn your 4-H record book in to your General Leader.
  4. Participate in two (2) county-wide or regional events (other than the fair).  Participation means actually taking part, exhibiting, presenting, or doing something positive in the event, not merely attending.
  5. Choose and complete two (2) activity/events from the list of activity/event options.  (May not be the same events/activities as 1-4 above).  Must be different from those used in the prior year for any level.

Sapphire Achievement

Sapphire Achievement Application (PDF, 2 pages, 120 KB)
Sapphire Achievement Application (Word, 2 pages, 36 KB)

* All items must be completed during the current 4-H year.

Members must have been enrolled in 4-H at least two (2) years and should complete the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attend 50% or more of your 4-H club meetings.
  2. Give a demonstration or talk at a 4-H club meeting (not project meeting).
  3. Turn your 4-H record book in to your General Leader.
  4. Serve as chair or active participant of a 4-H club committee.  Name the committee and tell about your role.
  5. Participate in a county demonstration, speech or judging contest.  Participation means actually taking part, exhibiting, presenting, or doing something positive in the event, not merely attending.
  6. Choose and complete five (5) activity/events from the list of activity/event options.  (May not be the same activities/events as 1-5 above.)  Must be different from those used in the prior year for any level.

Ruby Achievement

Ruby Achievement Application (PDF, 3 pages, 120 KB)
Ruby Achievement Application (Word, 3 pages, 38 KB)

* All items must be completed during the current 4-H year.

Members must have been enrolled in 4-H at least three (3) years and should complete the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attend 50% or more of your 4-H club meetings.
  2. Give a demonstration or talk at a 4-H club meeting (not project meeting).
  3. Turn your 4-H record book in to your General Leader.
  4. Assume leadership in one (1) or more club events such as chairman or active participant of a committee.
  5. Participate in a county demonstration, speech or judging contest.  Participation means actually taking part, exhibiting, presenting, or doing something positive in the event, not merely attending.
  6. Enroll and participate in the leadership project in the year during which you are applying for this recognition.
  7. Help two (2) or more new or younger members during the year in which you are applying for this recognition.
  8. Choose and complete eight (8) activity/events from the list of activity/event options.  (May not be the same activities/events as 1-7 above.)  Must be different from those used in the prior year for any level.

Diamond Achievement

Diamond Achievement Application (PDF, 3 pages, 121 KB)
Diamond Achievement Application (Word, 3 pages, 41 KB)

* All items must be completed during the current 4-H year.

Members must have been enrolled in 4-H at least four (4) years and should complete the following minimum requirements.  The Diamond Achievement level is a special award for outstanding 4-H members.  The maintenance of high standards for the Diamond Achievement makes it special.  To be eligible for the diamond achievement level, members must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. Attend 50% or more of your 4-H club meetings.
  2. Give a demonstration or talk at a 4-H club meeting (not project meeting).
  3. Turn your 4-H record book in to your General Leader.
  4. Assume leadership in one (1) or more club events such as chairman or active participant of a committee.
  5. Participate in a county demonstration, speech or judging contest.  Participation means actually taking part, exhibiting, presenting or doing something positive in the event, not merely attending.
  6. Organize and implement a community service on behalf of 4-H at the community, county or state level.  You will need to explain the service, what was done, how you helped, your leadership role, and what was accomplished.  (Service must have been organized by the member and showing their leadership role; member may recruit others to complete the project).
  7. Choose and complete twelve (12) activity/event options from the list of activity/event options.  At least two (2) of these options must be new ones not completed before for a previous achievement award.   (May not be the same as 1-6 above).

Regarding #6 above:  The intent of the service project component is for members to be creative and create service projects that are new and innovative – not simply tag onto something that someone else is already organizing.  It is appropriate for a member to enlist the help of others to complete the community service project they have organized.

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