4-H Plat Books
(last updated 07/17/24)
$35.00 per book, plus an additional $5.00 per book for shipping. Please mail a check for $40.00 made payable to: Columbia County 4-H Leader’s Association, ATTN: Sarah Millard, Columbia County Extension, 112 E. Edgewater St, Rm. 212, Portage, WI 53901.
Or stop in the office and pick up a book and save postage! We accept cash or checks.
If you are a governmental agency, you may send an email to Sarah (link below), request the plat books and we will forward to you with an invoice. Thank you.
This book includes aerial maps. Proceeds from the following items are used to offset costs to the 4-H program and 4-H’ers for various projects/items throughout the year!
To find out more information about the plat books, please contact Sarah at 608-742-9688 or email at Sarah.MIllard@wisc.edu