Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak and guidelines from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, UW-Madison, and federal agencies our office will have limited availability and access. Our staff are working remotely and many of our events have been postponed. For the latest information on COVID-19, visit the
Wisconsin Department of Health Services or Columbia County’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Snapshot at: https://www.co.columbia.wi.us/columbiacounty/hhs/HealthHumanService/PublicHealth/Coronavirus/
Spring is a time when we prepare gardens for new seedlings, clear pots for new flowers, and enjoy fresh, locally produced fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs and much more. While there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted by food, take some commonsense precautions and help keep everyone safe and healthy this summer.
At the Market. Local growers take pride in delivering food that is fresh, locally sourced and safe to eat. Help local businesses and your neighbors as you take