YQCA Training – Baraboo High School

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Event Information


January 25th, 2025


1:30pm - 3:30pm




Becky Pfile



Youth For the Quality Care of Animals was developed and funded by national livestock industry professionals, extension specialists, and livestock show managers.  It replaces the National Pork Board’s Youth Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Program and Wisconsin’s Meat Animal Quality Assurance (MAQA) Program.  Previously, youth who exhibited and then sold swine, were required to enroll in class.  Now, those same swine project members will need to enroll in a YQCA class, either online or face-to-face.  In addition, all Wisconsin State Fair Exhibitors of food animals (beef, dairy, goat, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine) MUST complete a YQCA class and become YQCA certified.

The YQCA website is found at http://www.yqca.org  Once at the website, look to the upper right hand corner for – Sign In/Register.  Next, follow the instructions to create an account and then to the “online” option or the “face-to-face/trainer led” option.

Online:  Fee – $12/exhibitor/year   OR

Face-to-Face:  Fee – $3/exhibitor/year

Event Location

Baraboo High School

1201 Draper St. Baraboo

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