Extension is following the guidance of the CDC, Wisconsin DHS, the Governor, and the UW-Madison Campus. Our priority is the health of ourselves, our coworkers, our neighbors, and everyone in our communities. We are telecommuting and limiting events to virtual or no-contact in our efforts to protect those around us.


Broadband Availability

Below are some resources for broadband availability. Click on the “Read More” link to read more about the resources. 1)      Charter Communications: Will offer free access to broadband for 60 days to households with K-12 and / or college students 2)      AT&T: Removing data caps associated with their wireless and wired connections (see “Customer Offers”) 3)      Comcast:  Increases access and speeds to […]


COVID-19 Update

Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak and guidelines from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, UW-Madison, and federal agencies our office will have limited availability and access. Our staff are working remotely and many of our events have been postponed. For the latest information on COVID-19, visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services or Columbia County’s […]