2024 Manure Applicator Update Meetings

The 2024 Manure Applicator Update Meetings schedule has been set. Meeting topics to include: Spill prevention & response; Pressure safety; Road safety, flagging, & transfer; Understanding karst/shallow bedrock concerns; and Reading a nutrient management plan. Click this link to register:  http://go.wisc.edu/2024Manure101


Pesticide Applicator Training Updates

ATTENTION FARMERS: The Pesticide Applicator Training link has been updated and contains information for upcoming in-person trainings, Zoom training dates, getting your manual and other PAT related information. Check out the Pesticide Applicator Training in Columbia County by clicking this link: https://columbia.extension.wisc.edu/agriculture/private-pesticide-applicator-training-in-columbia-county/


Hello Rebecca Pfile – 4-H Youth Development Educator for Columbia County!!

Becky Pfile is a 2019 graduate from UW-Milwaukee with a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Winona State in 2001. Becky was the library director at the Endeavor Public Library from 2014 to 2020. As a librarian, she enjoyed offering programs related to literacy, such as […]


Safe Preserving Tips in the time of COVID-19

Whether you are new to canning, returning to canning because of the pandemic, or have always canned the bounty of your harvest, there are certain tips that will help ensure that your time and efforts lead to safe, healthy food for your family.  Use recipes that are up to date. Some canning recommendations have changed dramatically […]


Experts Affirm: Coronavirus ‘highly unlikely’ food risk

An international group of scientists has declared that it is highly unlikely that SARS-CoV-2 is a food safety risk.The International Commission for Microbiological Specifications of Foods (ICMSF) is a non-governmental organization and represents top food safety experts from around the globe. The ICMSF members believe it is highly unlikely that ingestion of SARS-CoV-2 will result in illness […]


Food Safety & COVID-19: Do we need to worry about food packaging?

Stories in the news have prompted consumers to ask questions about the survival of the coronavirus on food packaging surfaces. Laboratory studies have shown that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces for up to several days and China recently banned food imports from several counties after finding viral RNA on food packaging. Is this cause for concern? Even as […]


An update on safe use of steam canners

Back to Basics steam canner The University of Wisconsin-Madison conducted research showing that an atmospheric steam canner may be used to safely can naturally acid foods such as peaches, pears, and apples, or acidified-foods such as salsa or pickles. The steam canner uses only ~2 quarts of water (compared to 16 quarts, or more, in a boiling […]


Extension is following the guidance of the CDC, Wisconsin DHS, the Governor, and the UW-Madison Campus. Our priority is the health of ourselves, our coworkers, our neighbors, and everyone in our communities. We are telecommuting and limiting events to virtual or no-contact in our efforts to protect those around us.


Food safety at farmers’ markets this summer

Spring is a time when we prepare gardens for new seedlings, clear pots for new flowers, and enjoy fresh, locally produced fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, eggs and much more. While there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted by food, take some commonsense precautions and help keep everyone safe and healthy this summer. At the […]


Parents Forever

Parents Forever is a co-parenting class available online or in-person.  For more information and a schedule:  https://columbia.extension.wisc.edu/family-living/parents-forever