Extension Columbia County can test the dial gauge on pressure canners. If you have a pressure canner that you’d like to have checked, please bring it in to your county Extension Office. You may also want to review the publication “Using & Caring for a Pressure Canner” by the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
Presto Pressure Canners
The Presto Company will test dial gauges FREE! Remove the gauge from the canner lid, wrap in newspaper, and package in a small stur
Due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak and guidelines from Wisconsin Department of Health Services, UW-Madison, and federal agencies our office will have limited availability and access. Our staff are working remotely and many of our events have been postponed. For the latest information on COVID-19, visit the
Wisconsin Department of Health Services or Columbia County’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Snapshot at: https://www.co.columbia.wi.us/columbiacounty/hhs/HealthHumanService/PublicHealth/Coronavirus/