Well Water Testing

Well Water Testing Kits Columbia County Extension office and all other county Extension offices have the private well water test kits and sampling information. It is FREE at pick-up, with the entire cost paid when submitting your water sample to the lab. Each kit includes a sample bottle and instruction packet. The packet includes explanation […]

4-H Food Stand Coordinator – Now Hiring

Now Hiring – 4-H Food Stand Coordinator The role of the 4-H Food Stand Coordinator is to oversee all aspects of the 4-H food stand at the Columbia County Fair, providing guidance to the 4-H Food Stand Shift Supervisors who help run the food stand, and ensuring that all workers and volunteers are following ServSafe […]

Pesticide Applicator Training Updates

ATTENTION FARMERS: The Pesticide Applicator Training link has been updated and contains information for upcoming in-person trainings, Zoom training dates, getting your manual and other PAT related information. Check out the Pesticide Applicator Training in Columbia County by clicking this link: https://columbia.extension.wisc.edu/agriculture/private-pesticide-applicator-training-in-columbia-county/

Parents Forever

Parents Forever is a co-parenting class available online or in-person.  For more information and a schedule:  https://columbia.extension.wisc.edu/family-living/parents-forever

Pressure Canner Testing

  Extension Columbia County can test the dial gauge on pressure canners.  If you have a pressure canner that you’d like to have checked, please bring it in to your county Extension Office.  You may also want to review the publication “Using & Caring for a Pressure Canner” by the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Presto Pressure […]

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