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4-H Dog Project
(last updated 5/8/2023)
For the most up-to-date information for the dog project, please contact the Extension office at (608) 742-9680 or email becky.pfile@wisc.edu or sarah.millard@wisc.edu.
Columbia County Dog Project By-laws (PDF, 4 pages, 148 KB)
Facebook page for the Columbia County 4-H Dog Project is http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/ColumbiaCounty4HDogTraining/?fref=ts.
The annual Dog Project Organizational Meeting is scheduled each spring
Important decisions will be made at this meeting concerning the future of the Columbia County Dog Project Group. Your attendance is greatly needed to help make those decisions. If anyone has any ideas on how to make their Dog Project better PLEASE feel free to contact any of us or bring it to the meeting. It would be welcomed.
Schedule, Registration and Release Forms: (COMING SOON)
This is the WHAT I NEED FOR CLASS 4H Dog Project Class Checklist
Print out a copy to make sure you have everything you need for class.
It can also help if you have a small bag to keep everything you need for class in it.
Some interesting things we do:
some members are involved in rescue
- dog showing
- pet therapy
Below is information and links for Columbia County 4H Dog Project.
Dog Training Classes
Reminder: Some classes may miss a week due to a holiday, weather issues, or calendar conflicts for the trainer. Occasionally a trainer may also have an emergency or something come up and need to cancel a class. Please keep this in mind if you are training at several of the sites to make sure that there is a class.
PARENTS: Please remember that you do need to stay someplace nearby in case of emergencies. If you are bringing small children with you, you will need to have activities for them to do so that they do not interfere with class members who are trying to work.
Cloverbud Members are NOT ALLOWED to handle any animals in 4H for insurance reasons.
Site Locations and Info. (COMING SOON)
Obedience Score Sheets:
Pre Utility Class Descriptions
Dog Breed Groups
the buttons for the groups will take you to the AKC site.
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