Food Safety News You can Use from the Division of Extension.
Wisconsin weather can bring heavy rains and power outages due to lightening, high winds and snow. Extension has information that you can use to keep yourself and your family food-safe.
Keeping Food Safe During an Emergency
Did you know that a flood, fire, national disaster, or the loss of power from high winds, snow, or ice could jeopardize the safety of your food? Knowing how to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe will help minimize the potential loss of food and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.
Follow this link to continue reading: USDA keeping food safe during an emergency |
Keep Food Safe After a Disaster or Emergency
If you are in a disaster or emergency, it’s important that you take steps to prevent illness from unsafe food. (also available in Spanish)
The Garden is Flooded, is the Produce Safe?
Heavy rains and the flowing water that results can contaminate plants growing in the garden and create a food safety hazard.
What to do if the Freezer Stops
Freezer failure can mean the loss of all or part of a large investment in food, time, and money. It pays to know what to do if your equipment stops working. At any time of the year, a freezer may fail to function because of mechanical problems, power failures or human error. The best
time to decide how to handle such an emergency is before it happens.