Pesticide Applicator Training – Columbia County

(Last updated 12/17/24)


If you are unsure if you need to be re-certified or are just plain confused on when & where to attend recertification, do not hesitate to reach out to Sarah at: 608-742-9688.

All private farmers who apply restricted use pesticides must be certified once every five (5) years.  The training is a cooperative effort by UW-Extension, DATCP, and local Co-Ops and suppliers.  Training sessions are usually offered in January, February or March of each year in Columbia & surrounding counties. Click on the following link to see upcoming PAT trainings.

Events – University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program

All PAT manuals are available for $43 each and can be ordered online here:

University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program – University of Wisconsin-Extension

All PAT Manuals are also available to order for delivery by mail at: private-order-form-1.pdf (

If you were unable to attend one of the in-person sessions, you may schedule a time to take the self-study exam at the Columbia County Extension office. Walk-ins are not accepted.

To schedule a time to take the exam, please email or call Sarah Millard.

Sarah Millard, Administrative Assistant; 608-742-9688;


  • Online training is FREE once you have purchased the manual.
  • Purchase a General Farming Manual.
  • Registration is required. Available at any time. General Computer or Smart Phone.
  • Schedule an exam at the Columbia County Extension Office. Minimum passing score is 70%.

Call 608-742-9688 to schedule an exam appointment.  Exam appointment times are limited.  Walk-ins are not accepted. Testing will take place at the Columbia County Administration Building, Columbia County Extension, 112 E. Edgewater Street, Room 212, Portage, WI.  Plan for about 2-1/2 hours total.

More information on Pesticide Applicator Trainings can be found at:

Private Applicators – University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Private – Training Sessions – University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Commercial Pesticide Applicators – University of Wisconsin Pesticide Applicator Training Program

Columbia County Extension
Administration Building
112 East Edgewater Street, Room 212
Portage, WI 53901
Phone: 608-742-9680
Fax: 608-742-9862
Office e-mail:
TTY/TDD: 711 for Relay

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