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Cupcake Wars
Columbia County 4-H Cupcake Wars –
April 12, 2025
(Loosely based on the Food Network Series)
2025 Theme: “Christmas In July”
9:00: Arrive and Welcome
9:15 – 10:00: Decorate cupcakes and create display
10:00: Presentations and Bite-ability Testing
Team Presentation (order chosen by random drawing)
Presentation and Theme Reaction by Guest Cupcake Expert/s and Audience
Team’s Choice Selection for each Division
Guest Cupcake Expert/s Bite-ability Testing (order chosen by random drawing)
Cupcake Expert/s Choice Selection for each Division
Announce Selections
Clean up Workstations
Self-assessments and Door Prizes
Guidelines for Cupcake Wars:
Teams shall consist of two or more Columbia County 4-H members. Cloverbuds may be part of any team.
Participants do not need to be a member of foods or cake decorating projects.
Each team will create a display following the annual Columbia County Fair theme. A minimum number of cupcakes is required which is equivalent to the number of team members. There is no maximum. (e.g., If you have 3 team members, you must display at least 3 cupcakes. If you have 5 team members, the minimum number is 5 cupcakes). There is no maximum number of cupcakes allowed for the display.
Cupcakes must be made from scratch (no box mixes).
Each team will bring “naked” cupcakes. The cupcakes should have no frosting and be in paper wrappers only.
Participants need to exhibit knowledge of their recipe and bring three copies of the recipe.
Each team will bring the frosting mixed in bowls. The frosting should not be tinted prior to contest. Teams will tint and place in frosting bags, if needed, at the contest.
Additional decorations may be used as long as the size does not exceed a card table display (34” X 34”), however, there is no minimum or maximum height for the display.
Each team will be assigned to a preparation table and a display table. A team may bring their own card table.
Each team will have 45 minutes to frost and decorate their cupcakes and prepare their display prior to the presentation.
Electricity is available at the contest. Teams should bring extension cords if electricity will be needed.
Each team must provide their own equipment. Washing facilities will not be available for teams to wash and share equipment.
Food safety: Each team should bring a food safety kit (enough for each member) which includes the following: plastic aprons, head coverings, disposable wipes, garbage receptacle (ice cream pail), non-latex gloves will be provided. Teams should practice proper food safety and be prepared to discuss food safety practice used by their team in their presentation to the judges. Guest Cupcake Experts will observe preparation to assist in determining the safe food handling score.
Adult leaders may be on site but cannot assist with decorating the cupcakes or putting the display together.
Each team is to clean up the preparation area at the end of the competition.
Teams with additional cupcakes may share them with the audience between team presentations and bite-ability testing.
Team Presentation:
Each team will present a verbal presentation to the Guest Cupcake Expert/s and the audience describing their team’s efforts.
Describe the steps your team followed to create your display. Details may include, but are not limited to:
How your team made decisions.
How you decided on your cake and frosting recipe.
How your team incorporated the theme in your display.
Skills your team needed to practice.
How you made and decorated your cupcake and created your display.
Role each person on the team played in creating your Cupcake Wars product.
What your team learned because of your participation in Cupcake Wars.
Each team will vote for a team choice in each Division following all the team presentations. Each must complete a self-assessment form following team presentations.
Bite-ability Testing:
Each team needs to select 3 cupcakes from their display for the Bite-ability Testing.
- The Guest Cupcake Expert/s will taste test each team’s selected cupcakes for “Bite-ability”.
Teams should be prepared to answer any questions asked by Guest Cupcake Experts. Think about where your cupcakes might be served and why you made the design decisions you did. Also, how will it be served?
The Guest Cupcake Expert/s will share their reaction with the team and audience. (See Bite-ability Testing Sheet for testing categories.)
Participation Ribbons will be awarded to all participants.
One Cupcake Expert Choice will be awarded in each division based on bite-ability.
One Team’s Choice will be awarded in each division based on team voting.
Columbia County Fair “Cupcake Wars” entry process:
Members must enter the Cupcake Wars exhibit, in their specific grade area, on their Columbia County Fair Entry Form in order to receive a premium. Youth (in all project areas) are eligible to participate in this class.
Department 31
Entry/Judging Time: Tuesday, 2:00 – 7:00 PM
Face-to-Face Judging
1 Beginners – Grades 3-5
2 Intermediate – Grades 6-8
3 Advanced – Grades 9 and older
Teams will create a display that shows the process they used to create their “4-H Cupcake Wars” Exhibit.
Fair displays should be a maximum of 30” x 30” x 15.”
Decorated cupcakes like those made for the original event are required to be part of the fair display.
Additional display information could include recipes, photos, equipment used, team roles, or responsibilities.
Team members will describe to the fair judge the steps followed to complete their exhibit using effective communication skills.
All team members must be present during the face-to-face judging unless an exemption is requested and approved; otherwise, the entry will be penalized one placing.
Guidelines for the Cupcake Wars event are available at the Columbia County Extension Office or on the Columbia County 4-H website.
The Cupcake Wars exhibit must reflect the current year’s fair theme